7 Steps to Earning a Degree

Step 1: Application
Application is not the same thing as enrollment. Complete the no-obligation application form (on application and documents pages) and send it to CES along with the non-refundable application fee. Admission is continuous. Students may apply for enrollment any time throughout the year. Within four weeks (or sooner) you will receive a letter indicating whether you are accepted and the degree level for which you qualify. After you have been notified of your acceptance, your opportunity to enroll will be held open for two months, unless otherwise negotiated (which may be done by mail, email, or by phone).

Transfer of Credits into CES
Often students have asked if we will accept credits from unaccredited schools. We know that not all unaccredited schools demand excellence in academics. So, our policy position is this:

We accept students on a case-by-case basis (which may include a probationary period during which time the student demonstrates that he/she can do the work that CES requires). However, this in no way implies acceptance or endorsement of the school from which the student is transferring and neither the student nor the school can claim that our acceptance of that student endorses the former school in any way. Under this statement, and with the policy of a case-by-case-basis in mind, we are willing to review any student's application.

Step 2: Enrollment
Enrollment (also called matriculation) takes effect when you pay your initial tuition payment (see payments page).

Step 3: Mentor
Send CES a prioritized list of three faculty mentors you would like to work with (see the Faculty page). CES will reach out to the faculty mentors, make arrangement with one of them, and then make the formal introduction. You may also choose to work with a qualified person outside the CES faculty list (providing the person you choose is accepted by CES).

Step 4: The Learning Contract (LC)
You will (with a seminary representative as guide) develop a Learning Contract. In your LC, you will list the courses that you have selected for your program. The LC should also describe the thesis or dissertation if you intend to do one. A sample Learning Contract can be downloaded on the documents page.

Step 5: Finalize syallabi for the classes in the LC
For each class in the Learning Contract, the student will propose a syllabus. The student can use a pre-defined list of reading materials or select their own, subject to approval of the faculty mentor or a seminary representative. All syllabi must be approved by the faculty mentor or seminary representative. A sample can be found on the documents page.

Step 6: Completing the courses listed in your LC
You will submit all of your course work to your mentor who in turn reports your final to the Seminary. Grading guidelines are listed on the Mentor Information portion of the school website.

Step 7: Thesis or Dissertation
Not all degree programs require a thesis (for undergraduate and master's students) or dissertation (for doctoral students). The professional degree programs require only that you complete classes. However, for research degrees, a thesis or dissertation is required. You will prepare a proposal. Once your mentor and the Seminary have approved your proposal, you may begin writing your thesis or dissertation. While it is typical for the thesis or dissertation to be the last thing a student does for the degree, it can be started earlier as long as the mentor and Seminary approve.

Learn more about CES:
Programs & Degrees
Class Requirements
Tuition & Fees